Day 5: Impact of a Name
‘Freakonomics’ explores the perceived impacts that a name can have in shaping a person’s future. By analysing the frequency at which names are used by certain races, classes and generations, links can be drawn between the two. The video questions whether a girl names ‘Temptress’ by her mother, was the reason she lived promiscuously and mischievously. It was said that due to her name, and it’s certain connotations, that it was inevitable that she ended up living this way. However it is more likely that her future was decided before she was even given the name. This is because the type of parent who would give their child such a name is also the type of parent who would give the child an abnormal upbringing. The upbringing of a child and the people they are surrounded by is what shapes their life and their views. With this knowledge we can safely say that it was not the absurd name which effected her future, but her parents.
In an article written by Business insider, the length of a name (and simplicity of pronunciation) is favoured along with normality. They also play into the idea that the unusualness of a name is what condemns someone to make certain life choices. However again, it is not the name which causes these interruptions, but instead the parents who decided to give their child an absurd name.
There are also certain perceptions surrounding names, eg. use of middle initial signals intelligence, white names are more commonly hired, noble names ensure you a high ranking job.
While entertaining these theories and potential correlations is interesting, I, personally, do not believe that these are true. While I acknowledge that a name can impact first impressions, I do not believe that they posses any power over someones life, as someones behaviours and personality are able to influence a strangers perception of you tenfold. Especially considering that the majority of the population chooses a name due aesthetic or the way it sounds(as my parents did).